Sunil Rajaraman, co-founder of Are you willing to take the risk? The Leadership Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in business contribute answers to timely questions about careers and leadership. Today’s answer to the question “What advice would you give someone looking to start their own business? ” is by Sunil Rajaraman, co-founder of Starting your own business can be extremely rewarding, but it can also be extremely challenging. Here are some of my best tips for those looking to become an entrepreneur : Don’t over think things If you have a great business idea that you’re passionate about —go for it! Often time’s people are hesitant to pursue an idea because they are afraid it wont be successful. But the only surefire way to find out is by trying. Have the confidence to take the risk and worry about the details later . Don’t worry about what other people think One of the hardest things
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