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Mengapa Startup gagal ?

Pertanyaan yang sama, pernah saya lontarkan ke diri saya sendiri, waktu memulai ini beberapa tahun yang lalu, di 2005 tepatnya. Tapi saya perhatikan, hingga sekarang masih valid apa yang ditampilkan dalam gambar dibawah ini.

3D Marketing

Kita harus tahu: 1. Situational Buyer, orang yg membeli produk krn situasi dan kondisi dibuat sesuai dgn keinginan pembeli. 2. Rational buyer, orang yang membeli kembali (repeat customer), segala sesuatu dihitung untung ruginya. 3. Emotional buyer , tidak lagi bicara produk menguntungkan atau tidak, ia menumbuhkan kesetiaan utk memakai produk. Semakin dekat dgn perusahaan. Perlu digging / menggali ttg pelanggan. Perlu ciptakan kenyamanan. 4. Spiritual buyer, pelanggan jd pembela dan penjual produk kita. Penghubung antara first customer dan repeat customer adalah kualitas produk dan layanan yg dibeli. Perlu mempercepat pembelian ulang dgn deepening. Penghubung antara repeat customer dan emotional buyer adalah emotional benefit, trust, kepuasan.  Dipengaruhi oleh brand image, kepuasan dan pelayanan ke pelanggan. Perlu dilakukan digging. Penghubung antara loyal customer dan advocate customer adalah kecintaan pelannggan terhadap produk, pelayanan dan perusahaan kita. Perlu di

Mengapa usia 30+ adalah usia yang tepat utk memulai bisnis ?

Why Your Late 30s Are The Best Time To Start A Business DRAKE BAER   STRATEGY   OCT. 28, 2014, 3:47 AM Getty Images/Bill Pugliano Jack Dorsey is 37 years old. Research says that’s the perfect age to start a business. Youth and startup success are practically synonymous. It’s no secret that  Bill Gates ,  Steve Jobs , and  Mark Zuckerberg  all became successful in their 20s. But research gathered by Babson College and Baruch College suggests that the best time to start a business is in your late 30s. According to the  Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013 United States Report , entrepreneurs who start their businesses in their late 30s have the best shot at success. The advantages: increased confidence, contacts, and opportunities. You can see it in the below infographic from  Clarity   and  Column Five Media .

3 P

Pay for Position, Person and Performance Gaji yang diterima barangkali masih tetap merupakan elemen kunci dalam memotivasi orang bekerja dengan penuh kegigihan. Kita bekerja dengan tekun dari pagi hingga petang lantaran berharap imbalan gaji yang kita terima bisa terus merayap naik. Kita pindah ke perusahaan lain mungkin juga lantaran ingin menggapai tawaran gaji yang lebih sumringah. Gaji dengan angka nol yang makin banyak tampaknya memang merupakan sebuah impian indah yang layak untuk terus diburu. Sayangnya acapkali kita  blank  dengan besaran gaji yang selama ini kita terima. Maksudnya, elemen apa saja yang mestinya dicermati dalam mendesain skala gaji untuk para karyawan. Disini kita mengenal sebuah slogan keren yang berbunyi  3 P : Pay for position, person dan performance . Mari kita lewati Senin pagi yang cerah ini dengan berbincang tentang gaji dan apa itu 3 P. 3 P sendiri merupakan singkatan dari  pay for position, person and performance . Sejatinya, setiap desain skal


REMUNERASI By  RIRI SATRIA  on  Agustus 5, 2011 Opini saya yang dimuat pada Majalah SWA sebagai hasil wawancara tentang sistem remunerasi. Judul lengkap artikelnya adalah “Mencari Sistem Remunerasi Ideal”, dimuat pada Majalah SWA 16/XXVII/28 Juli – 10 Agustus 2011, halaman 72 – 73. Terima kasih untuk Mbak Herning Banirestu dari Majalah SWA. Dewasa ini mengelola sistem remunerasi dengan baik sudah menjadi tuntutan mutlak. Maklum, hal ini terkait dengan kemampuan perusahaan memperoleh SDM terbaik yang notabene merupakan jantung maju-mundurnya bisnis. Masing-masing perusahaan kini mesti jeli dalam mengambil dan menerapkan sistem remunerasi yang paling tepat, disesuaikan dengan konteks industrinya. Riri Satria, Direktur Consulting People Performance Consulting, memberikan ringkasan, selama ini ada tiga konsep yang terkenal dalam sistem remunerasi, yakni 3P :  pay for position ,  pay for people , dan pay for performance .  Pay for position  artinya membayar seseorang sesuai posisi

6 Tips untuk Sales

6 Great Tips Sales People Can Implement Today Oct 30 2014 5,202 Views 180 Likes 47 Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Plus Share on Twitter As someone who develops business in sales automation for Velocify, we often discuss the importance of automating the sales process so sales people can focus on  selling . Here are 6 tips that you can execute today or use in your next sales meeting to help your team increase conversion. If you need the lowest price to sell something, you're not a sales person : Great sales people are able to discuss benefits, identify pain points and provide solutions to problems.  If you sell by price, you'll die by price. Build Rapport : Sales People can sound robotic, ask a series of qualifying questions and quote a price  hoping  they'll be the chosen vendor. While the prospect is talking, we're thinking about our next statement or answer instead of truly listening. People often think of rap

Dari Good Boss ke Great Boss

Most of you said you'd choose to  be a leader  rather than a boss. But in truth, you don't have to choose, because  great bosses tend to also be great leaders . If you're already a good boss, you know how much work goes into that role. With a few adjustments, you can rocket past good to great--and take your employees and organization with you. Good bosses accumulate power and use it well. Great bosses give that power away. A great boss understands that it's the sharing of power that gets things done. They don't control people, but inspire them to believe in themselves. Good bosses use their position to get what they want--for themselves and their employees. Great bosses empower others to get what they want for themselves . A great boss empowers people to make decisions, initiate actions, solve problems, and meet challenges. Good bosses make sure things are getting done well. Great bosses inspire an attitude of enthusiasm . A great boss knows that a

Mengapa Nama perusahaan penting ?

It was their family names that doomed the young lovers in Shakespeare’s  Romeo and Juliet . Yet could the name you choose for your business create a company star-crossed with success? As human beings, we evaluate information quickly and make judgements in a snap. In fact, Harvard research has pinpointed snap judgements can be made in as little  as three to four seconds  of meeting someone. For reference, this is barely enough time to say hello, but the human brain has already made a friend-or-foe decision. As evidence of our evolutionary past, these snap judgements make sense. However, they might spell disaster for individuals and businesses with the wrong names. Can a name really determine whether you succeed or fail? Let’s take a look at some evidence: Improved Odds of Success Your customers or investors fluency with the name you choose to give your business can make a huge difference when it comes to the ultimate success of your overall venture.  A study on behalf of the S

5 Tanda kalau Anda bukan Entrepreneur

5 Signs You May Not Be an Entrepreneur Sep 27 2014 1,019 Views 73 Likes 17 Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Pluse Share on Twitter So many people dream of starting their own business. Slaving away in a miserable job with miserable bosses and miserable hours and being mistreated, underpaid and unappreciated fuels those thoughts. But entrepreneurship is not for everyone who is just sick of being employed. Here are five signs the excitement of building a business just may not be for you: 1.  You lack the big dream . If you say well, I can start a business in my industry and see what happens, then doing so may be a bad idea. The most successful entrepreneurs are always dreaming big, coming up with either innovations or innovative ways to sell things, and reaching for the stars. And they have a detailed short and long term plan. 2.  You have a fear of risk . You turned down a job at a smaller company since you were worried it might not