HGC Webinar: Prevent advanced phishing attacks and minimize data breach risks Sept 16 (Wed) | 2-3:10PM (Indonesia Time) REGISTER NOW Phishing attacks continue to be increasingly prevalent in Southeast Asia with the total number of attempts reached 14 million times or above. According to report , Indonesia is seen to be the first most highest phishing-infected users among the region last year, accounting for over 740,000 of phishing emails recorded in the country. Free registration: https://bit.ly/3yfBZsQ Contact us: ibmarketing@hgc-intl.com +62 21 2963 8009 The increase in frequency of perpetrators’ attempt with hit-and-run tactics and the sophistication of attacks intensify the difficulties of phishing attacks and data breach monitoring , especially with the proliferation of multi-cloud operations, IoT, AI and ICT operations. The profit-hitting attacks incur the loss of company data and intellectual property. How can SMEs/ start-ups or FSI, e-commerce platforms proactiv
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