5 Signs You May Not Be an Entrepreneur Sep 27 2014 1,019 Views 73 Likes 17 Comments Share on LinkedIn Share on Facebook Share on Google Pluse Share on Twitter So many people dream of starting their own business. Slaving away in a miserable job with miserable bosses and miserable hours and being mistreated, underpaid and unappreciated fuels those thoughts. But entrepreneurship is not for everyone who is just sick of being employed. Here are five signs the excitement of building a business just may not be for you: 1. You lack the big dream . If you say well, I can start a business in my industry and see what happens, then doing so may be a bad idea. The most successful entrepreneurs are always dreaming big, coming up with either innovations or innovative ways to sell things, and reaching for the stars. And they have a detailed short and long term plan. 2. You have a fear of risk . You turned down a job at a smaller company since you were worried it might not
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